La Lettre Pro de la Radio & des Médias - La Puissance du Média Radio
La Lettre Pro de la Radio La Lettre Pro de la Radio

Advertise and be visible on the Special edition 'Digital in Radio'

Rédigé par le Mardi 30 Mai 2017 à 12:17 | modifié le Lundi 23 Avril 2018 à 19:02

Here are few informations for companies that wish to have a visible presence on that special edition in french of our magazine, that will be available on free download, sent in paper version to all our subscribers and visible on Flipbook. This special edition will come out in summer 2018 and for sure before IBC. Here's the content starting from the creator to the listener.

Version FRANCAISE cliquez ici

Before all, here is the content of our special edition in term of editorial so that you can check out the contents and all we will be talking about.

1 - Creators

2 - Editors/Producers
    - Labels
    - Talking content
    - Imaging
    - Radio instore
3 - Online publishers
    - FM radio online
    - Webradios, Podcasters
    - Pureplayers
    - Audio Agregators, Playlister

4 - Technological providers
    - Studio providers
    - Associated Services, datas
    - Integrators, Solutions
    - Broadcasters, Streamers
    - Receivers, Vocal assistants
    - Web and mobile soft environnement
    - Social platform

5 - Monetisation
    - Sales houses
    - Advertising platforms managememt
    - Media agencies, trading desk
    - Studies and research companies
    - Marketing services

6 - Events and influencers
7 - Buyers
8 - Listeners

To present your company, you have different possibilities that you can easily identifiy on our latest Special Edition that we made on Radio & IP in 2017.

Highlighting (at the end of the document - colored frame + logo + texte 300 car.) 300 €
• Detailed formula on 1/2 page with logo, contact details and text of your choice - 900 €
• Complete formula (double page - leftside advertising & right side editorial that we can write or text of your choice 3 000 car + picture) - 1 900 €
Classic advertising like banners, covering pages ...

CONTACT US: or call us directly on +33 6 22 70 61 79

Thanks for your support.

Here's the link so that you can see an example of the special edition we did last year on Radio & IP:

Philippe Chapot
Fondateur et directeur de la publication de La Lettre Pro de la Radio et du Podcast et de Podcast... En savoir plus sur cet auteur

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